Workshop: Team Buidling with your dog 1 day 297,-
Registrations Closed

Workshop: Team Buidling with your dog 1 day 297,-

Working on the bond between you and your dog

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Will you take on the challenge together with your dog for a perfect bond?

After a successful first edition, there is a date for the second edition! A summer edition that this time consists of 2 separate days. You can choose from just Saturday or the whole weekend, sign up quickly!

During the course of the Saturday we will make a start to discover the different parts of the bonding course together. We will go into more detail on Sunday. This course is designed to provide a blueprint of how we can face real life with our dogs. There are few commands involved, but instead, a nice mix of theory and practical exercises. We strengthen both your self-confidence and that of your dog, by creating a balanced and trusting bond!

Costs for participation only Saturday: 297,- 

Register now for Saturday

What we cover on Saturday:

  • Theory; How do I recognize (unnecessary) stress in my dog and how do I prevent it?

  • Relaxed walking on a leash and cool exercises to strengthen your bond!

  • Balance exercises for more self-confidence

  • Theory and practice with all kinds of stimuli, for a life that is as stress-free as possible!

Sign up for Saturday only

Some parts can be adapted based on the needs of the group, of course we want everyone to get the most out of the workshop!

In addition to the workshop, there will be a whatsapp group (for 1 week after the workshop) where you can ask questions, get feedback and tips together with the other participants to continue the days after the workshop with everything you have learned.

We welcome you with coffee, tea and some sweets.
During the break we provide a small vegan lunch.

There are only a limited number of places, so register now if you want to be there!

Want to participate both days? Then book HERE Get a weekend ticket for only €397,-!

I want to take on this ultimate challenge on Saturday!

I want to take on this ultimate challenge the whole weekend!

Deze workshop vindt plaats in Maastricht; Ankerkade 158b in Maastricht.

We proberen het op minimaal twee personen per aanmelding/hond te houden.

Ik kan op deze datum niet, en nu?

Geen probleem! Kijk gauw op welke andere data de workshop ook nog plaatsvindt! 

Zeker! Dagelijks trainen we bij Animal's Faith honden die al vele trainers en gedragsdeskundigen hebben gezien. Toch kunnen wij de honden en hun baasjes verder helpen. We zijn er dan ook van overtuigd dat we jou nieuwe inzichten en adviezen kunnen geven tijdens deze workshop, ongeacht hoeveel trainingen je al hebt gevolgd.